Connectivity & Integration

Connectivity & Integration

Organizations today rely on a complex combination of systems and technologies to support their critical business processes. In the face of changing global economic dynamics, numerous mergers and acquisitions, and the emergence of new business channels, your organization must find ways to enhance the effectiveness of your existing IT infrastructure to optimize internal processes, external processes, reduce overall spending, and deliver on the bottom line.

Celandyne is developing a solution business model framework by categorizing capabilities and management practices necessary for the effective management of such a business model. The developing framework will integrate findings from a wide variety of research streams with the empirical data collected in an abductive research process, involving firms with multi-national operations. The framework consist of a solution process with four phases (develop solutions, create demand, sell solution, and deliver solution) and three groups of cross-functionality issues (commercialization, industrialization, and solution platform. Firms must move beyond selling and delivering ad-hoc solutions. Solutions are processes, not combinations of goods, services and knowledge elements. Commercialization and industrialization are parallel, not sequential processes. Effective solution business requires intricate coordination across all functions. The framework identifies twelve capability categories, and sixty-four capabilities and management practices pertinent to the effective management of solution business yielding due importance of cross-functional alignment within firms. An effective solution business model requires the intricate coordination of resources and business processes across all functions.